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Primrose Hill: month nine…


Welcome to month nine of the Today's Quilter block of the month. This month we're wandering through the side streets, admiring the pretty front gardens and delighting in the floral abundance of early summer.

Quilters have always been drawn to flower blocks - there are so many wild and cultivated flowers to inspire us, I don't think that will ever change - but did you know there was a language of flowers? Floriography explores the symbolism or meaning of flowers and the Victorians were obsessed with it: every corsage, posy and bouquet could convey a coded message. The postcard, below, from the collection of the Garden Museum in Lambeth, London, shows a few examples, including Jasmine, the flower I chose for this month's blocks.

The Language of Flowers printed by Alfred Stiebel & Co around 1910

Whilst I'm not sure I'd ever want to receive a bouquet of Nettles, a posy of Pinks next to my sewing machine might be a good idea! If you'd like to make a bouquet of your own you can find my Jasmine blocks in issue 89 of the magazine.

Nicola xx


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