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From my sketchbook: Peacock Palace


When I designed a dear little Tystie for my To Skye! quilt back in 2016, little did I know what I'd started. My Tystie soon evolved into a Seagull and was quickly joined by a Raven and an Owl, a Wren, a Robin, both roosting and nesting birds, a Bird of Paradise, a Thrush, a whole flock of Christmas birds, a Pigeon and, most recently, a Hummingbird. Well now they've been joined by the most regal of them all: a Peacock.

A Peacock block has appeared in the pages of my sketchbook many times over the intervening years, but the proportions or the pose (SO important) were never quite right. When Andrea excitedly showed me an upcoming Tilda collection, Chic Escape, which paired Peacocks with exotic blooms and chinoiserie vases the penny dropped: my Peacock needed an urn.

A Palace (this is Brighton Pavilion) is optional...

The blocks work particularly well with vibrant, larger-scale prints - anything by Anna Maria Horner, Tula Pink or Sally Kelly would look amazing - but I'd love to make a Liberty version or use the wonderful William Morris reprints that are available now. The urn block starts with a 6½” square of fabric, which is a wonderful showcase for your favourite prints. Find the PDF Pattern here (Paper Patterns are on their way).

Andrea from the Willow Cottage Quilt Company in Canada tested Peacock Palace for me - she actually made two: one with a dramatic blue background and one in soft ivory - and is offering beautiful kits in both colourways here. I will also have some limited edition kits - listed here - which will be available as soon as my printed patterns are ready.

I'm also indebted to Pam, who I got chatting to on Instagram as her daughter raises rare Purple Peacocks. She made up her test blocks in beautiful purple (of course) Tula Pink fabric and was kind enough to edit the pattern for me.

The question is, is that enough bird blocks? Or is there room for one more in the aviary?

Nicola xx


2 comentarios

31 may 2022

Another very pretty bird!

Kathleen - kakingsbury at verizon dot net

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31 may 2022
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Thank you so much Kathleen :-)

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