I've been chatting to my lovely friend, Jackie (you can chat with her too, on Instagram, she's @jacki_nash ) about her wonderful, customised Cornish version of To Skye. She has spent many happy holidays in Cornwall and wanted to add a Dinghy block from Make Sail - the blocks are the same size - and turn the Scottish Tystie into a Cornish Seagull. Easily achieved, just by changing the fabric placement.

So when I came to make a sample quilt of To Skye for my Festival of Quilts stand, I just had to include a Seagull...and I thought you might like to do the same, so here's how...
You will need to make the following alterations to the To Skye pattern:-
OMIT the scrap of black fabric and choose a slightly bigger 2½” x 8" scrap of yellow fabric, rather than the red listed in the pattern.
From the scraps left over from your 2½” white strips, cut 1 2½” x 8½” piece and 2 2½” squares for the Seagull's body.
OMIT the 2" x 3" piece and cut an additional 4½” x 6½” piece for the Seagull's wing from the Fat Quarter of grey fabric, as follows:-

From the yellow fabric, cut 1 2" x 3" piece, 2 1” x 2½” pieces and 2 1½” squares
STEPS 25-28
Follow the steps, substituting white pieces for black to make the Seagull's body, grey fabric for white to make the wing and using the yellow fabric to make the beak and legs.

I thought a close-up of the legs might be helpful: just take your time and press carefully between each step.

The beautiful blue background is Moda Bella Solid in Hometown Sky, with my favourite Bella Porcelain and a Tilda grey dot. I shared the finished quilt top on Instagram and I'll be taking it to my talented friend Maureen to be quilted. And I have some delicious yellow binding - from Oh Clementine by Allison Harris for Windham Fabric - to finish it off.

Time for an ice cream cornet, I think...
Nicola xx