Welcome to CakeStand Quilts, my name is Nicola Dodd and it's lovely to meet you.
I became smitten with quilting about five years ago. At the time I didn't know anyone who quilted, so I started learning how from books, YouTube and the blogs of fellow quilters worldwide. I am so very grateful to the wonderful people who have generously shared their knowledge, I wouldn't be writing this now without them. As I have a background in Conservation Architecture and Garden Design - I don't go anywhere without my sketchbook - lovely old houses and country gardens are a constant inspiration for my quilts.
I am lucky enough to live in the glorious county of Shropshire in the UK, with my husband, two teenage sons and two loopy lurchers. Come and say hello on Instagram, you can find me @nicolajdodd or use the hashtag #cakestandquilts
Happy sewing,
Nicola xx