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Sep 21, 2019
Is it too soon?...
Too soon to mention the 'C' word, that is...Christmas. Those of you of a more organised ilk will have the whole thing underway by now and...

Jul 21, 2019
Moda Bakeshop Summer Camp...
This is the second year that the Moda Bakeshop have hosted their wonderful Quilter's Summer Camp and this year we're at the beach. Since...

Jan 27, 2019
Dala Horses: not just for Christmas...
I’m blaming Trish. You see, just before Christmas I shared a tutorial for a Dala Horse block on the Moda Bakeshop, as part of their...

Jan 17, 2019
The Sailing By Sampler...
Welcome to a new Petit Four tutorial: my finishing instructions for the Sailing By Sampler quilt. As before, the tutorial is for those of...

Jan 5, 2019
Your favourite posts of 2018...
This seems slightly self-indulgent of me but, two and a half years and seventy-odd posts in, I was interested in finding out which topics...

Dec 17, 2018
Winterstweet Tutorial: Part Three...
This morning I put the last few stitches in the binding of my Wintersweet quilt...just in the (saint) nick of time. You might remember...

Dec 13, 2018
All wrapped up...
Have you been opening the Moda Bakeshop Advent Calendar this year? My fellow Chefs and I have been rustling up some Christmas treats for...

Oct 20, 2018
Wintersweet Tutorial: Part Two...
If you didn't catch Part One of the tutorial - which has the pattern for piecing your top - you can find it here. This time I'll be...

Sep 22, 2018
Wintersweet Tutorial: Part One...
Do you ever see fabric and think ‘I really must make something with that’? Silly question, you’re quilters, so of course you do. Well, a...

Sep 21, 2018
Wavecrest Cushion...
A very warm ‘welcome aboard’ if you’re joining me from the Moda Bakeshop , I hope you’re enjoying this month’s Building Blocks series and...

Dec 23, 2017
It's all about the timing...
We rarely have snow in Shropshire, but this month it arrived right on cue as I joined the Moda Bakeshop chefs in their Countdown to...

Nov 6, 2017
Festival Cushions...
The next tutorial I want to share with you uses just one Petit Four block and is based on the cushions I made for my Festival of Quilts...

Nov 2, 2017
The Spellbound Sampler...
Edit: All of the posts & tutorials from 2018's Spellbound Sew-along can be found here. Welcome to my first Petit Four tutorial: finishing...

Aug 25, 2017
From my sketchbook: Woodruff...
I was lucky enough to post another Moda Bakeshop recipe last month. A pretty Charm-Pack-friendly quilt I called 'Woodruff' (you can find...

Jul 10, 2017
Honeybee Hive Block...
This week I'm sharing a tutorial to make our Honeybees a hive to call home (and if you're wondering what on earth I'm talking about, take...

Jun 30, 2017
Honeybee Block...
One of my dearest friends approached me a few weeks ago to ask whether I could help her customise one of my patterns. Her work colleague...

Nov 23, 2016
Hang by the chimney with care...
You may remember me piecing some little Christmas trees last year, for my festive version of Homely Joys. My test block has spent the...

Sep 14, 2016
Stepping back in time...
The lovely people at the Moda Bakeshop have let me post another tutorial - it's called Stepping Stones, you can find it here - and I...

Feb 22, 2016
Pinch me...
I'm slightly overexcited to tell you that I've written a tutorial for the Moda Bakeshop. It's for a quilt that I've called 'Speedwell' -...

Oct 28, 2015
Oh Christmas Tree...
Christmas trees and country vicarages: a quilt for the festive season...
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