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Oct 2, 2019
From my sketchbook: Winterlilies
Issue 54 of Today's Quilter is on your newsstands tomorrow and it is full to bursting with amazing Christmas projects, so I feel very...

May 11, 2019
On the Crest of a Wave
I've just put the last few stitches in the binding of my Sailing By Sampler. It's been pouring down whilst I've stitched and I've been...

May 25, 2018
From my Sketchbook: Auriculas...
EDIT: You can now buy this pattern as a PDF here or as a Paper Pattern here. I have a new quilt in issue 36 of Today's Quilter this...

Apr 17, 2018
The Sewing Quarter...
Back in December I was writing about the serendipity of snow and about things that happen just when you need them to. Well, a few...
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